For what seems like years, but in reality has only been about six months a small group of us have been planning a well...movement for lack of better word. Give Yourself Away 08 is a movement to connect people with needs to the people that can help meet those needs. It's kind of a "needs network".
We are launching it on September 14 with a big Robbie Seay Band concert. The catch is you can't get into the concert unless you give something away. You can sign up to the needs network at giveyourselfaway08.com or bring something to give away the night of the concert.
I'm angsty and feisty and just plain bored with church done the same static way it's always been done and this excites me in a way I can't describe. Being the Church doesn't mean we gather in a building once a week to smile and sing and learn how to be like Jesus. Being the Church is about getting our atrophied butts out there and connecting to the real world. One with pain and hurt, frustration and devastation.
It can be as simple as taking photographs of a family and putting them in a nice album or changing a single mom's car's oil. Money is good, but relationship is better. I once had a conversation with a friend about "assisting" bringing the Kingdom here on earth. He disagreed and said, "God's Kingdom is already here. He doesn't need our help to "bring" it". I've since revised my view. I feel as if God's Kingdom is under a veil of ugliness, unjustness, inequality, and oppression. Every time we step outside ourselves, we tear back a small portion of the veil to reveal God's Kingdom here on earth.
Whether you agree or disagree with my theology is irrelevant because I'm learning life isn't about me anyway. giveyourselfaway08 needs prayer and participants. Check it out. Tell your friends and family and strangers on the street. It's not solely a church thing or a Jesus thing. It's about loving people because we all deserve to be loved.
"I feel as if God's Kingdom is under a veil of ugliness, unjustness, inequality, and oppression. Every time we step outside ourselves, we tear back a small portion of the veil to reveal God's Kingdom here on earth."
Well put. The Kingdom is not here completely, but it will be some day. Keep thinking!
right on sister!!!!
this blog will preacher.
we miss you.
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