Does anyone else think in a narrative form? Last night I lay awake thinking about life and as my thoughts drifted around in my head they seemed to arrange themselves in paragraphs and pages. Maybe our cyber world has become a bit too invasive if I'm thinking in blog terms. It reminds me of a quote from "You've Got Mail" (cheesy I admit, but hang with me). Meg Ryan's character is writing to a still mysterious, email-only version of Tom Hanks, "Sometimes life reminds me of something I read once and I can't help, but think it should be the other way around".
Is art a reflection of life or is life a reflection of art? I'm sure an argument can be made for both positions, but I'd rather my art be a reflection of a life lived to the fullest. This concept made me think about blogs in general. Never before in history have so many "authors" been able to be "published". Blogs have the power to influence, teach, inspire, and encourage as well as be a vehicle in which to "air dirty laundry", appear witty and intelligent, or emotionally vomit the tragically minute details of the latest break-up or drama-infested encounter. The latter of which is not unlike a train-wreck of words that suck the reader in until they've wasted 15 minutes of their life that can never be reclaimed.
I've recently stumbled upon a blog that at first glance almost made me cringe with that overly sweet, Jesus-y taste, but upon further reading has captured my attention and brought tears to my eyes. When life is lived authentically, it's bound to be messy, but the true marker of faith is what you do with the mess. I humbly admit that there have been some (very few) people in my life that have proved to me an unwavering faith in the face of horrible tragedy, but I continue to be pessimistic or skeptical about that kind of faith.
This woman doesn't live her life in a haze of blogworthy narrativity nor does she sit on the sidelines and pout as she folds her arms and points a blaming finger up at God. She authentically loves a God through tragedy and shares her journey with the blog-world. It's kind of a check for me. What kind of a blogger am I? What kind of blogger do I want to be? What kind of a person am I? What kind of a person do I want to be? Are these inextricably linked because of the infiltration of cyber-world to the real-world? Am I like Meg Ryan (reading) writing about things I haven't even experienced? Am I living a life worthy of being written?
Check out this blog and read about a life worthy of blogdom and so much more.
Check out this blog and read about a life worthy of blogdom and so much more.
But first a caveat: Read the whole story here and read it with a box a kleenex close by.
This one is my favorite entry. What's yours?
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