Growing up my older brother and I were not allowed to have sugared cereal for breakfast. I never knew if it was the result of a health conscious mother or more of a financial decision (having an ad campaign with a talking Toucan is spendy). In any case, sugared cereals became this elusive desire of mine. It seemed like every one of my friends had Fruity Pebbles or Cap'n Crunch induced smiles on the school bus as I sat calmly digesting my dull, predictable Cheerios. It was always fun to have sleepovers at friends, grandma's, or my godparents' however. These loyal comrades were well aware of my plight and happily indulged my desire for sugar in the morning. Often times I would appear like a ravenous animal who hadn't eaten in days as I "bellied-up" to the table and consumed 2-3 bowls of the over-processed decadence.
Far removed from the strict breakfast clutches of my mother, this morning I ate cookies for breakfast. Oreos to be exact. I am an adult now and I make my own choices. If I want cookies for breakfast, I simply open the cupboard and tear open the package with not so much as an eyebrow raise questioning my source of morning sustenance. As I sat with coffee mug in one hand and oreo(s) in the other I thought, "This is great. I can eat whatever I want".
About 10 minutes later I stepped into the shower and started thinking about the day ahead of me. Immediately a wave of what the ??? washed over me. Oreos! Seriously, Dana?!?! You have a full day of work, a tennis match, and two papers to write tonight. Mom would've given me the breakfast of champions, but my choice was the breakfast of a chump.
When given our own choice, how often do we go crazy and rebel in a way that could be potentially harmful? Why do we not always see the difference between the things that are good for us and things that are not so good for us? I need rules. I need guidelines. I need to be held accountable to a standard. If left to my own devices, I choose Oreos.
I see that scenario play out in much more destructive ways in my life. When I choose something that I know is not what God would want for me, I'm left to pick up the pieces. He's there picking them up right beside me granted, but still...maybe all that would've been avoided if I'd chosen a little bit better, asked a trusted friend or prayed before I just jumped in and took action.
If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
I have a God who loves me and cares for me more than I even care for myself. Why would I choose Oreos for breakfast when I know He has so much more for me?
1 comment:
Dana Dana....I have this theory. See, God loves us. And boundaries yes. I agree. But ponder this:
Feet. God loves us through the extravagence of feet.
Because we can walk and run? you ask? well sure. Because we can use them to see his nature, or to serve others? Well, sure that too.
I believe that extravagence of God's love is entirely created in the formation of feet...simply because without them - I would have no way to enjoy shoes.
Cookies for breakfast! Our God sees the beauty of shoes!
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